Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Beating of my Heart

 Dearest little one - 

I heard you today. You made yourself known loud & clear. I heard the strength of your little heart beating away. I am 7 weeks pregnant now - 7 weeks and 5 days, though it has been just two weeks since I learned of your existence. 

My heart swelled at the sight of you on the screen. You are beautiful.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Welcome to my world, Baby...

This morning I woke up with a persistent thought in my head...

I could be pregnant.

During my regularly scheduled annual visit yesterday, the nurse at Dr. Quartner's office joked that I should go home and take a pregnancy test. I can't tell you why I didn't ask for one on the spot. I guess I just felt such shock. It couldn't be possible...could it?

We went to Disney World last month. From the time we got home, I never felt quite "right." I was excessively tired and felt the need to sleep my days away. After a straight week of persistent lethargy, I started to suspect that I had mono or some other "sleeping" disease that was keeping me from living my life. I even looked up symptoms of depression. It never occurred to me that my exhaustion could be standard, first-trimester sleepiness!

I am one of those Type A, "Need to Know" kind of people. So I needed to know. I went out this morning and bought a pregnancy test at Target. Just a test. (Might have been my cheapest trip to Target ever...) I paid for my test and went straight into the bathroom. The test registered positive pretty much as soon as I peed on the stick. I left the store in a haze.

From there, I went to the dollar store and bought a generic two-pack. Home I went! The first test of the two pack didn't register at "pregnant" control line. Nothing. So I drank more water and tried again an hour later. Test #3: positive.

By this point, Rosie, RJ and Angelina were all home, so life got a little hectic. RJ was off to hockey and Rosie needed to be dropped off at dance. While she tapped, Angelina and I headed to another dollar store - this time to pick up a name brand two-pack. The test had to wait, however, as there were children to shower and feed and get ready for bed.

Once the girls were tucked in, I took test #4. Well...I tried to take test #4. I dropped it in the toilet. Bring on test #5...


No denying it - that is a positive pregnancy test!

Buckle up, baby...we are going on quite the ride!