Dear RJ,
Today is your half birthday. Though I don't know quite how it happened, you are 7 1/2 years old today. I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital - just yesterday that you danced around the kitchen table with a cupcake liner on your head. Just yesterday when you said your very first word - Mama.
I not only love you more with every passing day - but I like you more as well. I wish I could capture every moment of you and your sweetness, but since your school would frown upon a camera crew, a little letter will have to do!
You are my "guy." I love that you still need and want snuggles. I need and want your snuggles too and if I allow my mind to wander to a time when you might reject them, I feel my chest tighten and tears well. I love how caring you are - not just about me. You always ask me how I'm doing, how I'm feeling - and since learning of the baby in my belly, you sweetly will say "and how is the baby doing in there, Mom? Is the baby healthy? Is the baby moving around in there today?" When Nonna had her knee surgery, you asked about her health and well-being every day and often asked to call her to see how she was doing.
I love watching you play hockey and baseball. This weekend is opening weekend for baseball and I am so excited to see you in your uniform...on the field...your little grin is even more irresistible from under your ball cap.
When I ask you to take out the recycling, you often say "why am I the only one to take out the recycling?" You aren't - but I know you feel that way.
Your mind is a sponge - particularly when it comes to animals and nature. You are so in tune to the world around you, it is beautiful to watch. It is no surprise to me that we celebrate your half birthday today, on Earth Day, because you are already so concerned with protecting nature and the world around you.
One of my most favorite things about you is your sensitivity. You are a very sensitive kid and I hope that never changes. This world needs more sensitivity and caring. And you care deeply about so much.
You still have your stubborn moments - you are not a fan of mornings and while you "like" school and going to school - you would be much happier if you didn't have to get up in the morning to go. Your most recent quirk is that you don't like to eat breakfast in the morning, so we have to beg you to eat half a bowl of cereal.
You still love your animals and like to take Miri, the stuffed Meerkat, everywhere you go. You love to play your Jurassic Park game on your DS and Kindle - and are proficient in all things Pokemon.
There are so many little quirks and characteristics that make up your personality, my sweet boy, this post could go on forever! Just know that all of these quirks blend together to make up the one you - and you are absolutely the best and more perfect son for me. I thank God every day for the gift of you and all that you are. I am blessed to be your mom and so grateful that I get to spend my days watching you grow.
I love you.