Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year, Same Old Me.

It's January 1, 2022. The first day of a brand new year. My Facebook newsfeed is filled with folks talking about Resolutions and promises - and just as many memes joking about how it's another year and you're just getting the same old salty bitch you had last year.

I like those memes. They make me chuckle. 

I never make resolutions. A resolution is defined as a "firm decision to do or to not do something." It has been my life experience that whenever I make a FIRM decision to do (or more likely, to NOT do something), life lets me know just how not in control I am. I could say "I am NOT going to drink caffeinated beverages anymore." That would probably work for a day or two...until the first night I'm up with a restless child...or working late...or trying to solve a cheer issue. Once that happens, if you want my ADHD brain to have a snowball's chance of functioning, there had better be some Diet Coke at the end of my straw!

One of my FB friends - who I have the pleasure and good fortune to know IRL, put up a question about resolutions - and my response was that I don't really make resolutions...but I'm just going to work on being a better version of me. 

A better Kris means a lot of things. I would like to be more patient. More kind. More giving. 

I would like to make more time for myself. Make sure I wash my face every morning and evening before bed...drink more water (in addition to the Diet Coke). 

I want to get the CLUTTER out of my house and be able to walk into my home and feel relaxed because I don't have 85 things to do before I rest for the night. (With seven of us in this house, I know that this is kind of a pipe dream...but I'm willing to take it one room at a time!)

I want to be a better friend. A better daughter. A more compassionate sister. A more patient mother. (Maybe only yelling on the fifth time I ask something...instead of the third?!) I want to do my part to make our crazy mornings peaceful.

I want to be a better boss. My team tells me that I'm a pretty good boss - but I'm totally prone to being overwhelmed with emails and my ever-growing list of things to makes me easily distracted, and I know it. 

I want to get my basement cleaned. (That's a different story for a different day.) I want to get my room cleaned. (same) Don't even get me started about the damn garage. 

The list can go on and on. The Galasso Files have been filed with silly stories of my crazy crew and our adventures. It still will be - but it will also be my keeper of my journey - because it is important for my children to someday know that who I am is the never-ending journey to who I will be. At no point are we anything more than imperfect and flawed and beautiful humans. 

At the end of the day (which is quite literal - as I am about to fall over...), I will continue to practice:







And through that practice, I will build a better Kris with every passing day. (And if that better Kris is a few inches smaller around the middle because her ass made it to the gym, no one will be complaining!)