Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Roll, Baby, Roll!

Rosie and I had a relatively sleepless night last night, so when RJ woke up, he got fed and went straight to Daddy. Rosie and I conked back out in the spare room for a few hours until Rich had to hop in the shower. When Rich brought RJ in to us, he shared some exciting yet disturbing news. RJ rolled over.

At first, I completely discounted the event because RJ had been on the bed. The soft surface helped him along, I thought. So this really couldn’t count as a rollover…could it? I had to test this out myself. I put him down on our family room floor to see what he would do.

He looked up…looked around…smiled a bit. Then, he started to push. He was working really hard to flop himself over – and all that work had him tootin’ up a storm. But – after a few minutes of trying, grunting and tooting – he got it and rolled right onto his back!

How could this be? My little boy is only 4 months old. I’m not ready for him to roll over yet! He’s just a baby! But he is a strong little guy – and I’m sure, just like his daredevil primate sister, he will be keeping us on our toes constantly!

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