Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rosie's Rainbow

Before we left my parents' house on Monday, Rosie frantically ran inside to grab what looked like a small tube. She waved it at me and said "I can't forget this, Mom. It's for my teachers." I squinted at it, realized it was Rosie art, and said "OK."

Yesterday was her first full day of school. She walked into her new classroom and her new teacher as a somewhat timid first grader, armed with her artwork and bowl of freshly picked figs for her teachers. When I picked her up yesterday, she was full of life and excitement. She had given out her artwork as planned and "sold" her figs. (When I asked her why she "sold" them, she said that she gave them away...I hope that is the case!)

Here's where the story gets really cool: I thought it was pretty sweet of my kid to make pictures for her teachers over the summer. (She had actually painted them prior to the start of school in anticipation of seeing them again.) I guess her teachers thought it was pretty sweet too. Last night, I log into my Facebook and find myself tagged:

The picture that I am tagged on is this:

That is the Rosie art that she presented to her teacher, Miss Gina. I saw it for the first time on Facebook, as it was not something Rosie wanted to share with her parents. Seeing it brought a tear to my eye! I saw the beautiful impact of Maria Montessori and all of Rosie's Montessori teachers along the way. My child painted a rainbow! With her and her new teacher underneath!  I was instantly filled with hope & promise. 

After my initial mushy moment was over, I took at look at Miss Gina's comment again...and Holy Cannoli! My child's artwork was her Facebook profile picture! Well...that prompted a whole new mushy moment.

We are so lucky to have wonderful children...and as a family we are lucky to have such an amazing place with outstanding people available to us to educate and nurture our children.

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