Friday, June 29, 2018

Little Skater Boy

Woodloch Pines has an ice rink.

Well - it isn't real ice. It is some sort of plant-based plastic, which is why we were able to skate on it at the end of June during 90 heat. 

Since he could walk, Nick has shown a love for any and all sports - but hockey is most particularly his favorite. My little buddy gets so excited when "HA" comes on the TV. He has his very own stick, and we often catch him stick handling in the family room, setting up "goals" with two toy cars and shooting one of his rubber balls through. He even celebrates and yells "goal" when he shoots one through successfully.

It just so happened that our hockey-loving baby and an ice rink were in the same place at the same time, so we did what any hockey parents would do - we put our Bubs on skates! 

I wish I had been able to capture his excitement when he saw me walk towards him with a pair of skates. "Kate! Kate!" My little guy, who struggles with so many of his words, found the words to express his excitement. 

We took all four of them skating at young age. Rosie went for the first time on her second birthday. RJ and Angelina for their third. All three of them struggled with even walking on skates. Not Nicky Blue Eyes. He got those skates on his feet and confidently strode in the direction of the door. He was ready! 

Unlike his siblings before him, Nick took to the ice like a natural. He had no problem staying upright and moving around with confidence. In fact, he was so capable in the skates themselves, we handed him his stick:

He was in heaven!

Nick needed hardly any coaching - and was even able stop a puck with his stick and shoot it at Uncle Billy.

I'm so grateful to have shared this moment with my parents, brother and sister-in-law! 

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