Friday, February 19, 2010

The Naked Butt Problem

You really never know what is going to pop out of Rosie’s mouth. She sometimes busts out with words that are bigger than she is…or memories that are half of her little life ago…and sometimes she just makes you laugh so hard, you cry. Tonight was one of those nights.

She refused to take a nap for me this afternoon and then fell asleep in the car ride to Target. After a smooth transfer to her stroller, she slept through the entire visit until after my groceries had been paid for and bagged. After putting her back into her car seat, she started to complain that the seat was “bothering” her – but couldn’t tell me what was actually wrong. Since I was driving, I told her it would have to wait until we got home.

Miss Dani pulled in the driveway right behind us, so the uncomfortable car seat was long forgotten and both kids stayed in their seats until we arrived at the gym to drop them off for date night. Upon pulling into the parking lot, Rosie shouts “uh-oh! Mom! We have a BUTT PROBLEM!” A butt problem? So I ask her – a butt problem? “Yup. We have a BUTT PROBLEM. A NAKED BUTT PROBLEM.”

Now I’m looking around the parking lot and I’m thinking that stranger things have happened in Baltimore County than a naked butt strolling around the parking lot when it’s 35 degrees outside. So I ask – “Where do you see a naked butt, Rosie?” “We have a NAKED BUTT PROBLEM Mom!! A NAKED BUTT PROBLEM!” Dani and I are now chuckling to ourselves over the hyper-active imagination of this little 3-year-old. I park and we start to unload the kids.
That is when we realized that we had a legitimate NAKED BUTT PROBLEM. Somehow, Rosie’s tights and underwear had slid down right of her tiny little rear-end and her sweater dress and gotten tucked under her coat. There was my little girl – mooning the entire parking lot and Bel Air Road.

I am happy to report that Miss Dani fixed the NAKED BUTT PROBLEM by pulling up her underwear and tights and pulling down her sweater. Rosie had no additional butt complaints.

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