Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Car Ride with RJ

My little buddy...proudly holding Harley's live dinner...
Today I picked up the little ones from school. From the moment they got into the car, I knew it was going to be an adventure. The current car movie is Lion King - which is a favorite of my little animal loving boy. The kids settle in, sing along, cover their eyes, gasp...and go through all of their usual Lion King reactions. And then this happened: 

RJ suddenly blurts out with "Mommy? Did you know that worms are full of protein?" 
Me: Well, yes, buddy, they are pretty full of protein. Where did you hear that?
RJ: On Wildman. His buddy eats a worm and Wildman tells everyone that worms are really full of protein and good for you.
Me:  Slimy, yet satisfying! 
(RJ chuckles)
RJ: Hey Mom? Did you know that your body needs protein to grow? That's what makes all of your muscles work and grow stronger
Me: Also true, buddy. Where did you learn that?
RJ: I asked my teachers about protein, since Wildman talked about it like it was a good thing.

Well done, my boy. Well done.

I drive further down the road, now on my way to pick up Rosie, and RJ comes up with another one:

RJ: Hey Mom? Do you know why giraffes are brown with spots?
Me: I think I you know why giraffes are brown with spots?
RJ: Giraffes are brown with spots to keep them safe from the animals, like lions, that hunt them in the wild. Their color makes them blend in. 
Me: Very true dude.
RJ: I love giraffes. Zebras are cool too

Now we have picked up Rosie, and RJ is holding the bag with the live crickets (for Spotty) and the live & frozen rats (for Harley) and I am silently praying that all of the living critters stay safely within their respective bags and we don't end up on the side of 695 chasing a small white rat around Frank the Tank. We finally are in the home stretch and I have replayed the "they call me Mr.Pig" part of the movie four times when this happens:

RJ: Mom? I really wish we could have a lion like Scar.
Me: Like Scar?! You want a lion like Scar?
RJ: Yeah, Mom. (Duh) We could take care of him and love him because no one else does.
Me: Awe, buddy. That is really sweet.
RJ: And I like he scar. It is really cute. (pronounced cooot.)

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